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Fees for passport issuance, etc. (including KF donation)
Fees - Type, Category, Passport issuance fee(Domestic, Diplomatic office), KF donation(Domestic, Diplomatic office), Total(Domestic, Diplomatic office)
Type Category Passport issuance fee KF donation Total
Domestic Diplomatic office Domestic Diplomatic office Domestic Diplomatic office
Biometric passport Multiple passport Within 10 years*
(Age 18 and above)
58pgs KRW38,000 USD38 KRW15,000 USD15 KRW53,000 USD53
26pgs KRW35,000 USD35 KRW50,000 USD50
5 years
(Below age 18)
Age 8 and above 58pgs KRW33,000 USD33 KRW12,000 USD12 KRW45,000 USD45
26pgs KRW30,000 USD30 KRW42,000 USD42
Below age 8 58pgs KRW33,000 USD33 - - KRW33,000 USD33
26pgs KRW30,000 USD30 KRW30,000 USD30
Single passport Within 1 year KRW15,000 USD15 KRW5,000 USD5 KRW20,000 USD20
Non-biometric passport Emergency passport Within 1 year KRW48,000 USD48 KRW5,000 USD5 KRW53,000 USD53
KRW15,000 USD15 KRW5,000 USD5 KRW20,000 USD20
Other Travel document Sticker/detachable KRW23,000 USD23 KRW2,000 USD2 KRW25,000 USD25
Passport of remaining term of validity
(58 or 26 pages)
58pgs KRW25,000 USD25 - - KRW25,000 USD25
Change in passport information KRW5,000 USD5 - - KRW5,000 USD5
Proof certificate of passport Certificate of passport record KRW1,000 USD1 - - KRW1,000 USD1
Certificate of passport application KRW1,000 USD1 - - KRW1,000 USD1
Certificate of copied passport KRW1,000 USD1 - - KRW1,000 USD1
Confirmation of passport validity KRW1,000 USD1 - - KRW1,000 USD1
Certificate of passport information KRW1,000 USD1 - - KRW1,000 USD1
  • 1If the holder of a passport with a valid expiration date is issued a new passport due to a change of matters stated in the passport, loss or damage of the passport, missing pages, etc., he or she may be issued a passport only for the remaining term of validity.
  • 2The donation included in fees for passport issuance, etc. (Article 16 of the Korea Foundation Act and Article 5 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act) are used for Korea Foundation’s international exchanges, public diplomacy and operation of the foundation.
  • 3When an evidential document regarding a relative’s death or critical condition of illness is submitted.
  • 4Free at KOISKs.
    • If a person over age 18 applied for a multiple passport, the term of validity of the passport is 10 years in accordance with Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree of the Passport Act. Applicants cannot choose the period. (See Passport Laws > Domestic Act)
    • A non-biometric passport is issued only in case of emergency.
    • Fees in the diplomatic office are in USD.

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 민원봉사과
  • 전화번호 031-550-2308
  • 최종수정일 2024-07-18